Class TFillEllipseInfo



type TFillEllipseInfo = class(TFillShapeInfo)


Fill information for an ellipse




Public WindingFactor: integer;


Public constructor Create(x, y, rx, ry: single);
Public function GetBounds: TRect; override;
Public function GetSliceIndex: integer; override;
Public function SegmentsCurved: boolean; override;
Protected function NbMaxIntersection: integer; override;
Protected procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single; var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); override;


Public property Center: TPointF read GetCenter;
Public property RadiusX: single read FRX;
Public property RadiusY: single read FRY;



Public WindingFactor: integer;

This item has no description.


Public constructor Create(x, y, rx, ry: single);

This item has no description.

Public function GetBounds: TRect; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TFillShapeInfo.GetBounds.

returns integer bounds

Public function GetSliceIndex: integer; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TFillShapeInfo.GetSliceIndex.

can be called after ComputeAndSort or ComputeIntersection to determine the current horizontal slice so that it can be checked if the intermediates scanlines can be skipped

Public function SegmentsCurved: boolean; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TFillShapeInfo.SegmentsCurved.

returns true if the same segment number can be curved

Protected function NbMaxIntersection: integer; override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TFillShapeInfo.NbMaxIntersection.

returns maximum of intersection per line

Protected procedure ComputeIntersection(cury: single; var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; var nbInter: integer); override;

This item has no description. Showing description inherited from TFillShapeInfo.ComputeIntersection.

compute intersections. the array must be big enough


Public property Center: TPointF read GetCenter;

This item has no description.

Public property RadiusX: single read FRX;

This item has no description.

Public property RadiusY: single read FRY;

This item has no description.