All Units
Name | Description |
avifbgra | Easy to use classes and functions to read/write images in AVIF format. |
BGRAAnimatedGif | Classes to read and write animated GIF and animated PNG files. |
BGRAArrow | Computation of arrow paths. |
BGRABitmap | Provides the 32-bit RGBA bitmap type adapted to your system. |
BGRABitmapTypes | Basic types for BGRABitmap. |
BGRABlend | Pixel blending functions for 32-bit BGRA/RGBA. |
BGRABlurGL | Blur effect using OpenGL shaders |
BGRACanvas | Equivalent of LCL Canvas but with transparency and gamma correction, using drawing functions of BGRABitmap. |
BGRACanvas2D | Equivalent to HTML Canvas (supports affine transformation, gradients and clipping). |
BGRACanvasGL | Canvas that can be used with OpenGL (2D, 3D and lighting shader) |
BGRAClasses | Basic Pascal types regardless of the framework (LCL, no LCL, MSEgui). |
BGRAColorInt | Colors stored as integers with maximum value 65536 but allowing overflow |
BGRAColorQuantization | Color quantization i.e. |
BGRACompressableBitmap | Class to temporarily compress bitmaps in memory and serialize it. |
BGRACoordPool3D | Pools of coordinates, to be transformed using SSE instructions, if available |
BGRACustomTextFX | Computation of text effects based on a text mask |
BGRADefaultBitmap | Implements basic operations on bitmaps (not optimized for a platform). |
BGRADithering | Implements the dithering algorithms |
BGRADNetDeserial | Read .Net serialized classes |
BGRAFillInfo | Generic class to hold a shape to be filled as well as the implementation for basic shapes |
BGRAFilterBlur | Various blur tasks implemented with software (using regular CPU) |
BGRAFilters | Filters that can be applied to a bitmap. |
BGRAFilterScanner | Provide scanners that act as filters. |
BGRAFilterType | Generic classes for tasks. |
BGRAFontGL | Font rendering in OpenGL with caching of textures for each glyph. |
BGRAFreeType | Font renderer of FreeType fonts using Lazarus renderer. |
BGRAGifFormat | Structure and algorithms to read/write GIF files |
BGRAGradientOriginal | Original that renders a gradient. |
BGRAGradients | Helper functions for gradients and shadows, as well as Phong shading |
BGRAGradientScanner | Scanners that generate gradients. |
BGRAGraphics | Imports type from Graphics, if available, or defines equivalent types. |
BGRAGrayscaleMask | Supplies a linear grayscale bitmap (8-bit per pixel) without transparency. |
BGRAIconCursor | Reading/writing of icon/cursor files (with multiple sizes) |
BGRALayerOriginal | Generic classes to implement originals, to be used in layered images as renderers |
BGRALayers | Layered image, each layer being a TBGRABitmap or rendered from an original. |
BGRALazPaint | Layered image format used in LazPaint |
BGRALazResource | Handles Lazarus resources files and provide tools to create them |
BGRALCLBitmap | Common implementation of BGRABitmap based on LCL (Lazarus Component Library) |
BGRALzpCommon | Type and structure definitions for LazPaint image format |
BGRAMatrix3D | Matrix transformations in 3D |
BGRAMemDirectory | Directory structure stored in memory (can be serialized) |
BGRAMultiFileType | Generic definition of a file containing multiple items |
BGRAOpenGL | OpenGL rendering (bitmap and various other classes). |
BGRAOpenGL3D | 3D rendering of TCustomRenderer3D scences in OpenGL |
BGRAOpenGLType | Basic types used with OpenGL |
BGRAOpenRaster | OpenRaster layered image format |
BGRAPaintNet | Paint.NET image format files. |
BGRAPalette | Palette of colors for various purposes, loading/saving into various formats |
BGRAPapers | List of paper sizes in inches and cm |
BGRAPath | Implements path and path cursor |
BGRAPen | Configuration and computation of pen style and width, as well as line caps and join styles. |
BGRAPhongTypes | Types used by Phong shading |
BGRAPhoxo | Phoxo layered image format, with .oXo extension. |
BGRAPNGComn | Common types for PNG format. |
BGRAPolygon | This unit contains polygon drawing functions and spline functions. |
BGRAPolygonAliased | This unit provides fast aliased polygon routines. |
BGRAReadAvif | Provides a reader for AVIF image format |
BGRAReadBMP | BMP reader implementation |
BGRAReadBmpMioMap | Reader implementation for iGo BMP format |
BGRAReadGif | Provides reader for GIF format. |
BGRAReadIco | Provides readers for icons and cursors |
BGRAReadJpeg | Provides reader for JPEG image format |
BGRAReadLzp | Provides reader for LazPaint image format |
BGRAReadPCX | Provides reader for PCX format |
BGRAReadPng | PNG reader implementation |
BGRAReadPSD | Provides reader for Photoshop image format |
BGRAReadTGA | Targa reader implementation |
BGRAReadTiff | Tiff reader implementation |
BGRAReadWebP | Provides a reader for WebP format using libwebp |
BGRAReadXPM | Reader for XPM format |
BGRARenderer3D | Software renderer for 3D scenes |
BGRAResample | This unit provides resampling functions, i.e. |
BGRAScene3D | Definition of a 3D scene |
BGRASceneTypes | Types for 3D scenes |
BGRASliceScaling | Computation of slice scaling of images (to extended bitmap prototypes) |
BGRASpriteGL | Sprites to be rendered with OpenGL |
BGRASSE | Implementation of SSE acceleration |
BGRAStreamLayers | Routines to stream layers |
BGRASVG | SVG format implementation |
BGRASVGOriginal | Storage of SVG as an original in a layered bitmap |
BGRASVGShapes | Implementation of various SVG shapes |
BGRASVGType | Base type definitions and implementation for SVG |
BGRAText | Base implementation of system text rendering. |
BGRATextBidi | Implementation of bidirectional text layout |
BGRATextFX | Text effects using system text rendering. |
BGRAThumbnail | Computation of thumbnails for all image formats |
BGRATransform | Affine and bitmap transformations |
BGRATypewriter | Cached vectorial font renderer with affine transform |
BGRAUnicode | Implementation of Unicode bidirectional algorithm |
BGRAUnicodeText | Bidirectional Unicode text analysis |
BGRAUnits | Definition of units of measure (distances) used in CSS |
BGRAUTF8 | UTF8 related functions |
BGRAVectorize | This unit provides vectorizers for black'n'white images and text. |
BGRAWinResource | Implementation of Windows resource file format (RES) |
BGRAWriteAvif | Implements the writer for the AVIF format (relies on external libavif library) |
BGRAWriteBMP | Imports the writer for the BMP image format |
BGRAWriteBmpMioMap | Implements the writer for BMP MioMap (iGO) image format |
BGRAWriteJpeg | Imports the writer for the JPEG image format |
BGRAWriteLzp | Implements the writer for LazPaint image format |
BGRAWritePCX | Imports the writer for the PCX image format |
BGRAWritePNG | Implements the writer for the PNG image format |
BGRAWriteTiff | Implements the writer for the TIFF image format |
BGRAWriteWebP | Implements the writer for the WebP format (relies on external libwebp library) |
ExpandedBitmap | Supplies a bitmap in linear RGB with word values (16-bit per channel) and transparency. |
LinearRGBABitmap | Supplies a bitmap in linear RGB with floating-point values and transparency. |
UniversalDrawer | Base implementation for drawing on a universal bitmap |
UnzipperExt | Proposes a class to unzip files from stream to stream |
WordXYZABitmap | Supplies a bitmap in XYZ colorspace with word values (16-bit per channel) and transparency. |
XYZABitmap | Supplies a bitmap in XYZ colorspace with floating-point values (16-bit per channel) and transparency. |