Class TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel



type TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel = class(TBGRAFilterScanner)


Abstract class for a scanner that applies a filter on a group of pixels




Public constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; ASourceBounds: TRect; AOffset: TPoint; AKernelWidth,AKernelHeight: Integer);
Public procedure ComputeFilter(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X, Y: Integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer); override;
Protected procedure DoComputeFilter(BufferX: Integer; const Buffers: array of PBGRAPixel; BufferWidth: integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure LoadBuffer(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X,Y: Integer; BufferIndex: Integer; ACount: integer); virtual;


Public property KernelHeight: integer read FKernelHeight;
Public property KernelWidth: integer read FKernelWidth;
Public property SourceBounds: TRect read FSourceBounds;



Public constructor Create(ASource: IBGRAScanner; ASourceBounds: TRect; AOffset: TPoint; AKernelWidth,AKernelHeight: Integer);

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Public procedure ComputeFilter(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X, Y: Integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer); override;

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Protected procedure DoComputeFilter(BufferX: Integer; const Buffers: array of PBGRAPixel; BufferWidth: integer; ADest: PBGRAPixel; ACount: integer); virtual; abstract;

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Protected procedure LoadBuffer(ASource: IBGRAScanner; X,Y: Integer; BufferIndex: Integer; ACount: integer); virtual;

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Public property KernelHeight: integer read FKernelHeight;

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Public property KernelWidth: integer read FKernelWidth;

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Public property SourceBounds: TRect read FSourceBounds;

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