Unit BGRAGraphics

📄 Source code


Imports type from Graphics, if available, or defines equivalent types.



Functions and Procedures

function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;
function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;
function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;
function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor; inline;
procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte); inline;
function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor; inline;
function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor; inline;


PColor = Graphics.PColor;
TAntialiasingMode = Graphics.TAntialiasingMode;
TBitmap = Graphics.TBitmap;
TBrush = Graphics.TBrush;
TBrushStyle = Graphics.TBrushStyle;
TCanvas = Graphics.TCanvas;
TColor = Graphics.TColor;
TFillMode = Graphics.TFillMode;
TFillStyle = Graphics.TFillStyle;
TFont = Graphics.TFont;
TFontQuality = Graphics.TFontQuality;
TFontStyle = Graphics.TFontStyle;
TFontStyles = Graphics.TFontStyles;
TGradientDirection = Graphics.TGradientDirection;
TGraphic = Graphics.TGraphic;
TPen = Graphics.TPen;
TPenEndCap = Graphics.TPenEndCap;
TPenJoinStyle = Graphics.TPenJoinStyle;
TPenMode = Graphics.TPenMode;
TPenStyle = Graphics.TPenStyle;
TRasterImage = Graphics.TRasterImage;
TRawImage = GraphType.TRawImage;
TTextLayout = Graphics.TTextLayout;
TTextStyle = Graphics.TTextStyle;


amDontCare = Graphics.amDontCare;
amOff = Graphics.amOff;
amOn = Graphics.amOn;
bsBDiagonal = Graphics.bsBDiagonal;
bsClear = Graphics.bsClear;
bsCross = Graphics.bsCross;
bsDiagCross = Graphics.bsDiagCross;
bsFDiagonal = Graphics.bsFDiagonal;
bsHorizontal = Graphics.bsHorizontal;
bsImage = FPCanvas.bsImage;
bsSolid = Graphics.bsSolid;
bsVertical = Graphics.bsVertical;
clAqua = Graphics.clAqua;
clBlack = Graphics.clBlack;
clBlue = Graphics.clBlue;
clDkGray = Graphics.clDkGray;
clFuchsia = Graphics.clFuchsia;
clGray = Graphics.clGray;
clGreen = Graphics.clGreen;
clLime = Graphics.clLime;
clLtGray = Graphics.clLtGray;
clMaroon = Graphics.clMaroon;
clNavy = Graphics.clNavy;
clNone = Graphics.clNone;
clOlive = Graphics.clOlive;
clPurple = Graphics.clPurple;
clRed = Graphics.clRed;
clSilver = Graphics.clSilver;
clTeal = Graphics.clTeal;
clWhite = Graphics.clWhite;
clYellow = Graphics.clYellow;
fmAlternate = Graphics.fmAlternate;
fmWinding = Graphics.fmWinding;
fqAntialiased = Graphics.fqAntialiased;
fqCleartype = Graphics.fqCleartype;
fqCleartypeNatural = Graphics.fqCleartypeNatural;
fqDefault = Graphics.fqDefault;
fqDraft = Graphics.fqDraft;
fqNonAntialiased = Graphics.fqNonAntialiased;
fqProof = Graphics.fqProof;
fsBold = Graphics.fsBold;
fsBorder = GraphType.fsBorder;
fsItalic = Graphics.fsItalic;
fsStrikeOut = Graphics.fsStrikeOut;
fsSurface = GraphType.fsSurface;
fsUnderline = Graphics.fsUnderline;
gdHorizontal = Graphics.gdHorizontal;
gdVertical = Graphics.gdVertical;
pecFlat = Graphics.pecFlat;
pecRound = Graphics.pecRound;
pecSquare = Graphics.pecSquare;
pjsBevel = Graphics.pjsBevel;
pjsMiter = Graphics.pjsMiter;
pjsRound = Graphics.pjsRound;
pmBlack = Graphics.pmBlack;
pmCopy = Graphics.pmCopy;
pmMask = Graphics.pmMask;
pmMaskNotPen = Graphics.pmMaskNotPen;
pmMaskPenNot = Graphics.pmMaskPenNot;
pmMerge = Graphics.pmMerge;
pmMergeNotPen = Graphics.pmMergeNotPen;
pmMergePenNot = Graphics.pmMergePenNot;
pmNop = Graphics.pmNop;
pmNot = Graphics.pmNot;
pmNotCopy = Graphics.pmNotCopy;
pmNotMask = Graphics.pmNotMask;
pmNotMerge = Graphics.pmNotMerge;
pmNotXor = Graphics.pmNotXor;
pmWhite = Graphics.pmWhite;
pmXor = Graphics.pmXor;
psClear = Graphics.psClear;
psDash = Graphics.psDash;
psDashDot = Graphics.psDashDot;
psDashDotDot = Graphics.psDashDotDot;
psDot = Graphics.psDot;
psInsideframe = Graphics.psInsideframe;
psPattern = Graphics.psPattern;
psSolid = Graphics.psSolid;
tlBottom = Graphics.tlBottom;
tlCenter = Graphics.tlCenter;
tlTop = Graphics.tlTop;
tmAuto = Graphics.tmAuto;
tmFixed = Graphics.tmFixed;


Functions and Procedures

function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;

does not work on system color

function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;

This item has no description.

function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;

This item has no description.

function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte); inline;

This item has no description.

function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor; inline;

This item has no description.

function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor; inline;

This item has no description.


PColor = Graphics.PColor;

This item has no description.

TAntialiasingMode = Graphics.TAntialiasingMode;

This item has no description.

TBitmap = Graphics.TBitmap;

This item has no description.

TBrush = Graphics.TBrush;

This item has no description.

TBrushStyle = Graphics.TBrushStyle;

This item has no description.

TCanvas = Graphics.TCanvas;

This item has no description.

TColor = Graphics.TColor;

This item has no description.

TFillMode = Graphics.TFillMode;

This item has no description.

TFillStyle = Graphics.TFillStyle;

This item has no description.

TFont = Graphics.TFont;

This item has no description.

TFontQuality = Graphics.TFontQuality;

This item has no description.

TFontStyle = Graphics.TFontStyle;

This item has no description.

TFontStyles = Graphics.TFontStyles;

This item has no description.

TGradientDirection = Graphics.TGradientDirection;

This item has no description.

TGraphic = Graphics.TGraphic;

This item has no description.

TPen = Graphics.TPen;

This item has no description.

TPenEndCap = Graphics.TPenEndCap;

This item has no description.

TPenJoinStyle = Graphics.TPenJoinStyle;

This item has no description.

TPenMode = Graphics.TPenMode;

This item has no description.

TPenStyle = Graphics.TPenStyle;

This item has no description.

TRasterImage = Graphics.TRasterImage;

This item has no description.

TRawImage = GraphType.TRawImage;

This item has no description.

TTextLayout = Graphics.TTextLayout;

Text layout (vertical position)

TTextStyle = Graphics.TTextStyle;

This item has no description.


amDontCare = Graphics.amDontCare;

This item has no description.

amOff = Graphics.amOff;

This item has no description.

amOn = Graphics.amOn;

This item has no description.

bsBDiagonal = Graphics.bsBDiagonal;

This item has no description.

bsClear = Graphics.bsClear;

This item has no description.

bsCross = Graphics.bsCross;

This item has no description.

bsDiagCross = Graphics.bsDiagCross;

This item has no description.

bsFDiagonal = Graphics.bsFDiagonal;

This item has no description.

bsHorizontal = Graphics.bsHorizontal;

This item has no description.

bsImage = FPCanvas.bsImage;

This item has no description.

bsSolid = Graphics.bsSolid;

This item has no description.

bsVertical = Graphics.bsVertical;

This item has no description.

clAqua = Graphics.clAqua;

This item has no description.

clBlack = Graphics.clBlack;

This item has no description.

clBlue = Graphics.clBlue;

This item has no description.

clDkGray = Graphics.clDkGray;

clSilver alias

clFuchsia = Graphics.clFuchsia;

This item has no description.

clGray = Graphics.clGray;

This item has no description.

clGreen = Graphics.clGreen;

This item has no description.

clLime = Graphics.clLime;

This item has no description.

clLtGray = Graphics.clLtGray;

This item has no description.

clMaroon = Graphics.clMaroon;

This item has no description.

clNavy = Graphics.clNavy;

This item has no description.

clNone = Graphics.clNone;

This item has no description.

clOlive = Graphics.clOlive;

This item has no description.

clPurple = Graphics.clPurple;

This item has no description.

clRed = Graphics.clRed;

This item has no description.

clSilver = Graphics.clSilver;

This item has no description.

clTeal = Graphics.clTeal;

This item has no description.

clWhite = Graphics.clWhite;

clGray alias

clYellow = Graphics.clYellow;

This item has no description.

fmAlternate = Graphics.fmAlternate;

This item has no description.

fmWinding = Graphics.fmWinding;

This item has no description.

fqAntialiased = Graphics.fqAntialiased;

This item has no description.

fqCleartype = Graphics.fqCleartype;

This item has no description.

fqCleartypeNatural = Graphics.fqCleartypeNatural;

This item has no description.

fqDefault = Graphics.fqDefault;

This item has no description.

fqDraft = Graphics.fqDraft;

This item has no description.

fqNonAntialiased = Graphics.fqNonAntialiased;

This item has no description.

fqProof = Graphics.fqProof;

This item has no description.

fsBold = Graphics.fsBold;

This item has no description.

fsBorder = GraphType.fsBorder;

This item has no description.

fsItalic = Graphics.fsItalic;

This item has no description.

fsStrikeOut = Graphics.fsStrikeOut;

This item has no description.

fsSurface = GraphType.fsSurface;

This item has no description.

fsUnderline = Graphics.fsUnderline;

This item has no description.

gdHorizontal = Graphics.gdHorizontal;

This item has no description.

gdVertical = Graphics.gdVertical;

This item has no description.

pecFlat = Graphics.pecFlat;

This item has no description.

pecRound = Graphics.pecRound;

This item has no description.

pecSquare = Graphics.pecSquare;

This item has no description.

pjsBevel = Graphics.pjsBevel;

This item has no description.

pjsMiter = Graphics.pjsMiter;

This item has no description.

pjsRound = Graphics.pjsRound;

This item has no description.

pmBlack = Graphics.pmBlack;

This item has no description.

pmCopy = Graphics.pmCopy;

This item has no description.

pmMask = Graphics.pmMask;

This item has no description.

pmMaskNotPen = Graphics.pmMaskNotPen;

This item has no description.

pmMaskPenNot = Graphics.pmMaskPenNot;

This item has no description.

pmMerge = Graphics.pmMerge;

This item has no description.

pmMergeNotPen = Graphics.pmMergeNotPen;

This item has no description.

pmMergePenNot = Graphics.pmMergePenNot;

This item has no description.

pmNop = Graphics.pmNop;

This item has no description.

pmNot = Graphics.pmNot;

This item has no description.

pmNotCopy = Graphics.pmNotCopy;

This item has no description.

pmNotMask = Graphics.pmNotMask;

This item has no description.

pmNotMerge = Graphics.pmNotMerge;

This item has no description.

pmNotXor = Graphics.pmNotXor;

This item has no description.

pmWhite = Graphics.pmWhite;

This item has no description.

pmXor = Graphics.pmXor;

This item has no description.

psClear = Graphics.psClear;

This item has no description.

psDash = Graphics.psDash;

This item has no description.

psDashDot = Graphics.psDashDot;

This item has no description.

psDashDotDot = Graphics.psDashDotDot;

This item has no description.

psDot = Graphics.psDot;

This item has no description.

psInsideframe = Graphics.psInsideframe;

This item has no description.

psPattern = Graphics.psPattern;

This item has no description.

psSolid = Graphics.psSolid;

This item has no description.

tlBottom = Graphics.tlBottom;

Text aligned to the bottom

tlCenter = Graphics.tlCenter;

Text aligned vertically to the center

tlTop = Graphics.tlTop;

Text aligned to the top

tmAuto = Graphics.tmAuto;

This item has no description.

tmFixed = Graphics.tmFixed;

This item has no description.