Unit BGRAPalette

📄 Source code


Palette of colors for various purposes, loading/saving into various formats




Name Description
Class TBGRA16BitPalette Palette containing all possible 16-bit colors.
Class TBGRAAvgLvlPalette Abstract implementation of a BGRA palette using a binary tree.
Class TBGRACustomApproxPalette Abstract palette that can find an approximate matching color
Class TBGRACustomColorQuantizer Abstract class for color quantization.
Class TBGRACustomPalette Abstract class containing a palette
Class TBGRAIndexedPalette Indexed palette of colors
Packed Record TBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry Indexed color in palette
Class TBGRAPalette Palette of colors, roughly sorted by luminosity
Class TBGRAReferencePalette Palette of colors indirectly specify by a pointer
Class TBGRAWeightedPalette Palette of weighted colors.
Packed Record TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry Weighted color in palette

Functions and Procedures

procedure ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_InsertionSort(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
procedure ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_QuickSort(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
procedure ArrayOfWeightedColor_InsertionSort(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
procedure ArrayOfWeightedColor_QuickSort(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);
function BGRARegisteredPaletteFormatFilter(AAllSupportedDescription: string) : string;
procedure BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(AFormatIndex: TBGRAPaletteFormat; AExtension: string; ADescription: string; AReadProc: TPaletteReaderProc; AWriteProc: TPaletteWriterProc; ACheckFormatProc: TCheckPaletteFormatProc);
function BGRARequiredBitDepth(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption): integer; overload;
function BGRARequiredBitDepth(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette): integer; overload;


ArrayOfWeightedColor = array of TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry;
PBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry = ˆTBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry;
PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry = ˆTBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry;
TBGRAColorQuantizerAny = class of TBGRACustomColorQuantizer;
TBGRAPaletteFormat = integer;
TBGRAPixelComparer = function (p1,p2 : PBGRAPixel): boolean;
TCheckPaletteFormatProc = function(ABuf256: string): boolean;
TPaletteReaderProc = function(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean;
TPaletteWriterProc = procedure(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream);


MaxLastAddedColors = 10;
palAdobeSwatchExchange : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 3;
palCustom : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 100;
palGimp : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 2;
palJascPSP : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 5;
palKOffice : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 4;
palPaintDotNet : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 1;
palUnknown : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 0;


BGRAColorQuantizerFactory: TBGRAColorQuantizerAny;


Functions and Procedures

procedure ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_InsertionSort(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);

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procedure ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_QuickSort(AColors: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel; AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);

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procedure ArrayOfWeightedColor_InsertionSort(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);

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procedure ArrayOfWeightedColor_QuickSort(AColors: ArrayOfWeightedColor; AMinIndex, AMaxIndex: Int32or64; AComparer: TBGRAPixelComparer = nil);

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function BGRARegisteredPaletteFormatFilter(AAllSupportedDescription: string) : string;

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procedure BGRARegisterPaletteFormat(AFormatIndex: TBGRAPaletteFormat; AExtension: string; ADescription: string; AReadProc: TPaletteReaderProc; AWriteProc: TPaletteWriterProc; ACheckFormatProc: TCheckPaletteFormatProc);

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function BGRARequiredBitDepth(ABitmap: TBGRACustomBitmap; AAlpha: TAlphaChannelPaletteOption): integer; overload;

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function BGRARequiredBitDepth(APalette: TBGRACustomPalette): integer; overload;

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ArrayOfWeightedColor = array of TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry;

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PBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry = ˆTBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry;

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PBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry = ˆTBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry;

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TBGRAColorQuantizerAny = class of TBGRACustomColorQuantizer;

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TBGRAPaletteFormat = integer;

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TBGRAPixelComparer = function (p1,p2 : PBGRAPixel): boolean;

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TCheckPaletteFormatProc = function(ABuf256: string): boolean;

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TPaletteReaderProc = function(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream): boolean;

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TPaletteWriterProc = procedure(APalette: TBGRAPalette; AStream: TStream);

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MaxLastAddedColors = 10;

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palAdobeSwatchExchange : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 3;

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palCustom : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 100;

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palGimp : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 2;

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palJascPSP : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 5;

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palKOffice : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 4;

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palPaintDotNet : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 1;

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palUnknown : TBGRAPaletteFormat = 0;

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BGRAColorQuantizerFactory: TBGRAColorQuantizerAny;

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