Unit BGRAPolygonAliased

📄 Source code


This unit provides fast aliased polygon routines.




Name Description
Class TLinearColorGradientIntersectionInfo Intersection info for linear gradient
Record TLinearColorInfo segment information for linear color
Record TLinearTextureInfo segment information for linear texture
Class TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo Intersection information for linear texture mapping
Class TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo Intersection information for gradient with perspective gradient
Record TPerspectiveColorInfo segment information for linear color
Record TPerspectiveTextureInfo segment information for perspective texture.
Class TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo Intersection information for perspective texture mapping
Class TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo Fill information for a polygon with linear gradient
Class TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo Fill information for a polygon with linear texture mapping
Class TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo Fill information for a polygon with perspective gradient
Class TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo Fill information for a polygon with perspective texture mapping with shading
Class TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo Fill information for a polygon with perspective texture mapping with simple lighting

Functions and Procedures

procedure BGRAFillRoundRectAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; FillColor: TBGRAPixel; FillTexture: IBGRAScanner = nil; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
procedure BGRARoundRectAliased(dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const BorderColor, FillColor: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word; skipBorder: boolean = false; skipFill: boolean = false); overload;
procedure BGRARoundRectAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; BorderColor, FillColor: TBGRAPixel; FillTexture: IBGRAScanner = nil; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; skipFill: boolean = false); overload;
procedure PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
procedure PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo; texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; lightnesses: array of word; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;
procedure PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;
procedure PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;
procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const normals: array of TPoint3D_128; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean; solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle = nil; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext= nil); overload;
procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D; const normals: array of TPoint3D; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean; solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle = nil; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext= nil); overload;
procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo; texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean; solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle = nil; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext= nil); overload;
procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo; texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;
procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;
procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; lightnesses: array of word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;


ArrayOfTColorF = array of TColorF;
PLinearColorInfo = ˆTLinearColorInfo;
PLinearTextureInfo = ˆTLinearTextureInfo;
PPerspectiveColorInfo = ˆTPerspectiveColorInfo;
PPerspectiveTextureInfo = ˆTPerspectiveTextureInfo;
TShaderFunction3D = function (Context: PBasicLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel of object;


Functions and Procedures

procedure BGRAFillRoundRectAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; FillColor: TBGRAPixel; FillTexture: IBGRAScanner = nil; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);

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procedure BGRARoundRectAliased(dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; const BorderColor, FillColor: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word; skipBorder: boolean = false; skipFill: boolean = false); overload;

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procedure BGRARoundRectAliased(dest: TBGRACustomBitmap; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; DX, DY: integer; BorderColor, FillColor: TBGRAPixel; FillTexture: IBGRAScanner = nil; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; skipFill: boolean = false); overload;

Aliased round rectangle

procedure PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;

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procedure PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;

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procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;

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procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo; texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;

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procedure PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; lightnesses: array of word; NonZeroWinding: boolean); overload;

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procedure PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;

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procedure PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; const Colors: array of TBGRAPixel; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;

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procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D_128; const normals: array of TPoint3D_128; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean; solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle = nil; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext= nil); overload;

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procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const points3D: array of TPoint3D; const normals: array of TPoint3D; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean; solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle = nil; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext= nil); overload;

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procedure PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo; texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ShaderFunction: TShaderFunction3D; NonZeroWinding: boolean; solidColor: TBGRAPixel; zbuffer: psingle = nil; ShaderContext: PBasicLightingContext= nil); overload;

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procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; polyInfo: TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo; texture: IBGRAScanner; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;

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procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;

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procedure PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; const texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; lightnesses: array of word; NonZeroWinding: boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); overload;

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ArrayOfTColorF = array of TColorF;

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PLinearColorInfo = ˆTLinearColorInfo;

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PLinearTextureInfo = ˆTLinearTextureInfo;

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PPerspectiveColorInfo = ˆTPerspectiveColorInfo;

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PPerspectiveTextureInfo = ˆTPerspectiveTextureInfo;

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TShaderFunction3D = function (Context: PBasicLightingContext; Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel of object;

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