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UTF8 related functions




Name Description
Packed Record TBidiUTF8Info Unicode layout information along with offset for each UTF8 character
Record TGlyphCursorUtf8 Cursor to go through a UTF8 text glyph by glyph.
Record TGlyphUtf8 Information about one glyph in a UTF8 text

Functions and Procedures

function AddParagraphBidiUTF8(s: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;
function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): TBidiUTF8Array; overload;
function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode): TBidiUTF8Array; overload;
function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TBidiUTF8Array; overload;
function ContainsBidiIsolateOrFormattingUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;
function DeleteFileUTF8(Const FileName : string): boolean;
function FileCreateUTF8(Const FileName : string; Rights: LongWord) : THandle; overload;
function FileCreateUTF8(Const FileName : string) : THandle; overload;
function FileExistsUTF8(Const FileName : string): boolean;
function FileOpenUTF8(Const FileName : string; Mode : Integer) : THandle;
procedure FindCloseUTF8(var F: TSearchrec);
function FindFirstUTF8(const Path: string; Attr: Longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint;
function FindNextUTF8(var Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint;
function GetBidiClassUTF8(P: PChar): TUnicodeBidiClass;
function GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TUnicodeBidiClass;
function GetLastStrongBidiClassUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TUnicodeBidiClass;
function GetUTF8DisplayOrder(const ABidi: TBidiUTF8Array): TUnicodeDisplayOrder;
function IsRightToLeftUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;
function IsZeroWidthUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;
function LEReadByte(Stream: TStream): byte;
function LEReadInt64(Stream: TStream): int64;
function LEReadLongint(Stream: TStream): longint;
function LEReadSingle(Stream: TStream): single;
procedure LEWriteByte(Stream: TStream; AValue: Byte);
procedure LEWriteInt64(Stream: TStream; AValue: int64);
procedure LEWriteLongint(Stream: TStream; AValue: LongInt);
procedure LEWriteSingle(Stream: TStream; AValue: single);
procedure LoadStringsFromFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);
procedure SaveStringsToFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);
function SysToUTF8(const s: string): string;
function UnicodeCharToUTF8(u: LongWord): string4;
function UTF16ToUTF8(const S: UnicodeString): AnsiString;
function UTF8CharacterLength(p: PChar): integer;
function UTF8CharStart(UTF8Str: PChar; Len, CharIndex: PtrInt): PChar;
function UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p: PChar; ACodePointLen: integer): LongWord;
function UTF8CompareStr(const S1, S2: string): Integer;
function UTF8CompareText(const S1, S2: string): Integer;
function UTF8EmbedDirection(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;
function UTF8Length(p: PChar; ByteCount: PtrInt): PtrInt; overload;
function UTF8Length(const s: string): PtrInt; overload;
function UTF8Ligature(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean; ALigatureLeft, ALigatureRight: boolean): string;
function UTF8LowerCase(const s: string): string;
function UTF8OverrideDirection(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;
function UTF8ReverseString(const s: string): string;
function UTF8ToSys(const s: string): string;
procedure UTF8ToUnicodeArray(const sUTF8: string; out u: TUnicodeArray; out ofs: TIntegerArray);
function UTF8ToUTF16(const S: AnsiString): UnicodeString;
function UTF8UpperCase(const s: string): string;


string4 = string[4];
TBidiUTF8Array = packed array of TBidiUTF8Info;
TFileStreamUTF8 = TFileStream;
TIntegerArray = array of integer;
TStringListUTF8 = TStringList;
TUnicodeArray = packed array of LongWord;
TUnicodeBidiInfo = BGRAUnicode.TUnicodeBidiInfo;
TUnicodeDisplayOrder = BGRAUnicode.TUnicodeDisplayOrder;


UTF8_NEXT_LINE = #$C2#$85;


Functions and Procedures

function AddParagraphBidiUTF8(s: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;

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function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): TBidiUTF8Array; overload;

Returns an array with bidirectional analysis with specified text direction.

function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string; ABidiMode: TFontBidiMode): TBidiUTF8Array; overload;

Returns an array with bidirectional analysis with specified text direction.

function AnalyzeBidiUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TBidiUTF8Array; overload;

Returns an array with bidirectional analysis with automatic text direction.

function ContainsBidiIsolateOrFormattingUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;

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function DeleteFileUTF8(Const FileName : string): boolean;

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function FileCreateUTF8(Const FileName : string; Rights: LongWord) : THandle; overload;

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function FileCreateUTF8(Const FileName : string) : THandle; overload;

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function FileExistsUTF8(Const FileName : string): boolean;

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function FileOpenUTF8(Const FileName : string; Mode : Integer) : THandle;

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procedure FindCloseUTF8(var F: TSearchrec);

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function FindFirstUTF8(const Path: string; Attr: Longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint;

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function FindNextUTF8(var Rslt: TSearchRec): Longint;

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function GetBidiClassUTF8(P: PChar): TUnicodeBidiClass;

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function GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TUnicodeBidiClass;

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function GetLastStrongBidiClassUTF8(const sUTF8: string): TUnicodeBidiClass;

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function GetUTF8DisplayOrder(const ABidi: TBidiUTF8Array): TUnicodeDisplayOrder;

Display order of characters.

For example, a text in hebrew will be displayed from right to left. This function doesn't take into account word wrap. In this case, it is a bit more complicated and there is BGRATextBidi unit to handle text layout.)

function IsRightToLeftUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;

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function IsZeroWidthUTF8(const sUTF8: string): boolean;

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function LEReadByte(Stream: TStream): byte;

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function LEReadInt64(Stream: TStream): int64;

little endian stream functions

function LEReadLongint(Stream: TStream): longint;

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function LEReadSingle(Stream: TStream): single;

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procedure LEWriteByte(Stream: TStream; AValue: Byte);

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procedure LEWriteInt64(Stream: TStream; AValue: int64);

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procedure LEWriteLongint(Stream: TStream; AValue: LongInt);

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procedure LEWriteSingle(Stream: TStream; AValue: single);

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procedure LoadStringsFromFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);

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procedure SaveStringsToFileUTF8(List: TStrings; const FileName: string);

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function SysToUTF8(const s: string): string;

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function UnicodeCharToUTF8(u: LongWord): string4;

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function UTF16ToUTF8(const S: UnicodeString): AnsiString;

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function UTF8CharacterLength(p: PChar): integer;

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function UTF8CharStart(UTF8Str: PChar; Len, CharIndex: PtrInt): PChar;

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function UTF8CodepointToUnicode(p: PChar; ACodePointLen: integer): LongWord;

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function UTF8CompareStr(const S1, S2: string): Integer;

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function UTF8CompareText(const S1, S2: string): Integer;

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function UTF8EmbedDirection(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;

Adds special unicode characters to make it a quote in a specific direction. For example you can add a quote in arabic that will be right to left inside a text in latin alphabet. This is useful for example if there is punctiation at the end of the quote, so that it will be displayed on the correct side of the text.

function UTF8Length(p: PChar; ByteCount: PtrInt): PtrInt; overload;

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function UTF8Length(const s: string): PtrInt; overload;

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function UTF8Ligature(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean; ALigatureLeft, ALigatureRight: boolean): string;

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function UTF8LowerCase(const s: string): string;

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function UTF8OverrideDirection(const sUTF8: string; ARightToLeft: boolean): string;

Adds special unicode characters around the text to change it's direction. For example "hello" from right to left would be displayed as "olleh".

function UTF8ReverseString(const s: string): string;

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function UTF8ToSys(const s: string): string;

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procedure UTF8ToUnicodeArray(const sUTF8: string; out u: TUnicodeArray; out ofs: TIntegerArray);

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function UTF8ToUTF16(const S: AnsiString): UnicodeString;

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function UTF8UpperCase(const s: string): string;

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string4 = string[4];

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TBidiUTF8Array = packed array of TBidiUTF8Info;

Array of unicode layout for UTF8 text

TFileStreamUTF8 = TFileStream;

File stream supporting UTF8 filenames

TIntegerArray = array of integer;

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TStringListUTF8 = TStringList;

String list supporting UTF8 filenames

TUnicodeArray = packed array of LongWord;

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TUnicodeBidiInfo = BGRAUnicode.TUnicodeBidiInfo;

Bidirectional layout information for one Unicode character

TUnicodeDisplayOrder = BGRAUnicode.TUnicodeDisplayOrder;

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UTF8_NEXT_LINE = #$C2#$85;

equivalent of </p>


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equivalent of <br>


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