Class TGroupIconOrCursorEntry



type TGroupIconOrCursorEntry = class(TCustomResourceEntry)


Entry for an icon or cursor (group of images)




Protected FDirectory: packed of TGroupIconDirEntry;
Protected FGroupIconHeader: TGroupIconHeader;


Public constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo; ADataStream: TStream);
Public constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);
Public function CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64; override;
Protected function ExpectedResourceType: word; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetDataSize: integer; override;
Protected function GetFileSize: int64; override;
Public procedure Clear;
Public procedure CopyFrom(ASource: TStream);
Protected procedure DecrementReferences; override;
Protected procedure IncrementReferences; override;
Protected procedure SerializeData(ADestination: TStream); override;


Public property NbIcons: integer read GetNbIcons;



Protected FDirectory: packed of TGroupIconDirEntry;

This item has no description.

Protected FGroupIconHeader: TGroupIconHeader;

This item has no description.


Public constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo; ADataStream: TStream);

This item has no description.

Public constructor Create(AContainer: TMultiFileContainer; ATypeNameOrId: TNameOrId; AEntryNameOrId: TNameOrId; const AResourceInfo: TResourceInfo);

This item has no description.

Public function CopyTo(ADestination: TStream): int64; override;

This item has no description.

Protected function ExpectedResourceType: word; virtual; abstract;

This item has no description.

Protected function GetDataSize: integer; override;

This item has no description.

Protected function GetFileSize: int64; override;

This item has no description.

Public procedure Clear;

This item has no description.

Public procedure CopyFrom(ASource: TStream);

This item has no description.

Protected procedure DecrementReferences; override;

This item has no description.

Protected procedure IncrementReferences; override;

This item has no description.

Protected procedure SerializeData(ADestination: TStream); override;

This item has no description.


Public property NbIcons: integer read GetNbIcons;

This item has no description.