Unit BGRAGradients

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Helper functions for gradients and shadows, as well as Phong shading




Name Description
Record TnGradientInfo Functions to draw multiple gradients.
Class TPhongShading Renders shape and height maps using Phong shading.

Functions and Procedures

function CreateConeMap(size: integer): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateConePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateCyclicPerlinNoiseMap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; HorizontalPeriod: Single = 1; VerticalPeriod: Single = 1; Exponent: Double = 1; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfCosine): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateHorizontalCylinderPreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
function CreatePerlinNoiseMap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; HorizontalPeriod: Single = 1; VerticalPeriod: Single = 1; Exponent: Double = 1; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfCosine): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateRectangleMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateRectanglePreciseMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateRectanglePreciseMap(width, height, borderWidth, borderHeight: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateRoundRectangleMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap(width,height,borderWidth,borderHeight: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateSphereMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateSpherePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateVerticalConePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
function CreateVerticalCylinderPreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;
function DoubleGradientAlphaFill(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single): TBGRABitmap; overload;
function DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single): TBGRABitmap; overload;
procedure DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single); overload;
procedure DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single); overload;
function nGradientAlphaFill(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo): TBGRABitmap; overload;
function nGradientAlphaFill(ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo): TBGRABitmap; overload;
procedure nGradientAlphaFill(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo); overload;
procedure nGradientAlphaFill(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo); overload;
function nGradientInfo(StartColor, StopColor: TBGRAPixel; Direction: TGradientDirection; EndPercent: Single): TnGradientInfo;
function TextShadow(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; AText: String; AFontHeight: Integer; ATextColor,AShadowColor: TBGRAPixel; AOffSetX,AOffSetY: Integer; ARadius: Integer = 0; AFontStyle: TFontStyles = []; AFontName: String = 'Default'; AShowText: Boolean = True): TBGRABitmap;


TRectangleMapOption = (...);
TRectangleMapOptions = set of TRectangleMapOption;


Functions and Procedures

function CreateConeMap(size: integer): TBGRABitmap;

Create a grayscale height map for a cone (may not be precise enough)

function CreateConePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;

Create a precise height map for a cone (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

function CreateCyclicPerlinNoiseMap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; HorizontalPeriod: Single = 1; VerticalPeriod: Single = 1; Exponent: Double = 1; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfCosine): TBGRABitmap;

Creates a tilable random grayscale image.

Example filling a form with Perlin noise:


  BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRAGradients;

procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
  image,tex: TBGRABitmap;

    image := TBGRABitmap.Create(ClientWidth,ClientHeight);

    tex := CreateCyclicPerlinNoiseMap(100,100);
    image.FillRect(0,0,image.Width,image.Height, tex, dmSet);


See also tutorial on creating textures.

function CreateHorizontalCylinderPreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;

Create a precise height map for an horizontal cylinder (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

function CreatePerlinNoiseMap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; HorizontalPeriod: Single = 1; VerticalPeriod: Single = 1; Exponent: Double = 1; ResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfCosine): TBGRABitmap;

Creates a non-tilable random grayscale image

function CreateRectangleMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;

Create a rectangle height map with a border

function CreateRectanglePreciseMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;

Create a precise height map for a rectangle height map with a border (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

function CreateRectanglePreciseMap(width, height, borderWidth, borderHeight: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions): TBGRABitmap;

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function CreateRoundRectangleMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;

Create a round rectangle height map with a border

function CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap(width,height,border: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;

Create a precise height map for a round rectangle height map with a border (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

function CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap(width,height,borderWidth,borderHeight: integer; options: TRectangleMapOptions = []): TBGRABitmap;

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function CreateSphereMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;

Create a grayscale height map for a sphere (may not be precise enough)

function CreateSpherePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;

Create a precise height map for a sphere (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

function CreateVerticalConePreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;

Create a precise height map for a vertical cone (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

function CreateVerticalCylinderPreciseMap(width,height: integer): TBGRABitmap;

Create a precise height map for a vertical cylinder (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

function DoubleGradientAlphaFill(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single): TBGRABitmap; overload;

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function DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single): TBGRABitmap; overload;

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procedure DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single); overload;

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procedure DoubleGradientAlphaFill(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AStart1,AStop1,AStart2,AStop2: TBGRAPixel; ADirection1,ADirection2,ADir: TGradientDirection; AValue: Single); overload;

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function nGradientAlphaFill(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo): TBGRABitmap; overload;

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function nGradientAlphaFill(ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo): TBGRABitmap; overload;

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procedure nGradientAlphaFill(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap; ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo); overload;

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procedure nGradientAlphaFill(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; ADir: TGradientDirection; const AGradient: array of TnGradientInfo); overload;

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function nGradientInfo(StartColor, StopColor: TBGRAPixel; Direction: TGradientDirection; EndPercent: Single): TnGradientInfo;

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function TextShadow(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; AText: String; AFontHeight: Integer; ATextColor,AShadowColor: TBGRAPixel; AOffSetX,AOffSetY: Integer; ARadius: Integer = 0; AFontStyle: TFontStyles = []; AFontName: String = 'Default'; AShowText: Boolean = True): TBGRABitmap;

Creates a bitmap with the specified text horizontally centered and with a shadow


TRectangleMapOption = (...);


  • rmoNoLeftBorder
  • rmoNoTopBorder
  • rmoNoRightBorder
  • rmoNoBottomBorder
  • rmoLinearBorder
TRectangleMapOptions = set of TRectangleMapOption;

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