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OpenGL rendering (bitmap and various other classes).




Name Description
Class TBGLArray Array in OpenGL
Class TBGLBitmap RGBA bitmap that can be used with OpenGL by converting it into a texture
Object TBGLContext Context for OpenGL surface
Class TBGLElementArray Array of elements indicated by their index
Class TBGLFrameBuffer Frame buffer in OpenGL.

Functions and Procedures

function BGLCanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;
function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;
function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;
function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; ARenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; ARendererOwned: boolean = true): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;
function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOutlineColor: TBGRAPixel; AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;
function BGLSpriteEngine: TBGLCustomSpriteEngine;
function BGLTexture(AStream: TStream): IBGLTexture; overload;
function BGLTexture(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): IBGLTexture; overload;
function BGLTexture(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TColor): IBGLTexture; overload;
function BGLTexture(ABitmap: TBitmap): IBGLTexture; overload;
function BGLTexture(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth,ActualHeight: integer): IBGLTexture; overload;
function BGLTexture(AFilenameUTF8: string; AWidth, AHeight: integer; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfBox): IBGLTexture; overload;
function BGLTexture(AFilenameUTF8: string): IBGLTexture; overload;
function BGLTexture(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel): IBGLTexture; overload;
procedure BGLViewPort(AWidth,AHeight: integer); overload;
procedure BGLViewPort(AWidth,AHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;


IBGLRenderedFont = BGRAFontGL.IBGLRenderedFont;
IBGLTexture = BGRAOpenGLType.IBGLTexture;
TBGLCustomArray = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLCustomArray;
TBGLCustomCanvas = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLCustomCanvas;
TBGLCustomElementArray = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLCustomElementArray;
TBGLSprite = TBGLDefaultSprite;
TOpenGLBlendMode = BGRAOpenGLType.TOpenGLBlendMode;
TOpenGLPrimitive = BGRAOpenGLType.TOpenGLPrimitive;
TOpenGLResampleFilter = BGRAOpenGLType.TOpenGLResampleFilter;
TTextLayout = BGRAGraphics.TTextLayout;
TWaitForGPUOption = BGRAOpenGLType.TWaitForGPUOption;


obmAdd = BGRAOpenGLType.obmAdd;
obmMultiply = BGRAOpenGLType.obmMultiply;
obmNormal = BGRAOpenGLType.obmNormal;
opLineLoop = BGRAOpenGLType.opLineLoop;
opLines = BGRAOpenGLType.opLines;
opLineStrip = BGRAOpenGLType.opLineStrip;
opPoints = BGRAOpenGLType.opPoints;
opTriangleFan = BGRAOpenGLType.opTriangleFan;
opTriangles = BGRAOpenGLType.opTriangles;
opTriangleStrip = BGRAOpenGLType.opTriangleStrip;
orfBox = BGRAOpenGLType.orfBox;
orfLinear = BGRAOpenGLType.orfLinear;
tlBottom = BGRAGraphics.tlBottom;
tlCenter = BGRAGraphics.tlCenter;
tlTop = BGRAGraphics.tlTop;
wfgFinishAllCommands = BGRAOpenGLType.wfgFinishAllCommands;
wfgQueueAllCommands = BGRAOpenGLType.wfgQueueAllCommands;


Functions and Procedures

function BGLCanvas: TBGLCustomCanvas;

This item has no description.

function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; ARenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; ARendererOwned: boolean = true): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLFont(AName: string; AEmHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOutlineColor: TBGRAPixel; AStyle: TFontStyles = []): IBGLRenderedFont; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLSpriteEngine: TBGLCustomSpriteEngine;

This item has no description.

function BGLTexture(AStream: TStream): IBGLTexture; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLTexture(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): IBGLTexture; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLTexture(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TColor): IBGLTexture; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLTexture(ABitmap: TBitmap): IBGLTexture; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLTexture(ARGBAData: PLongWord; AllocatedWidth,AllocatedHeight, ActualWidth,ActualHeight: integer): IBGLTexture; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLTexture(AFilenameUTF8: string; AWidth, AHeight: integer; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfBox): IBGLTexture; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLTexture(AFilenameUTF8: string): IBGLTexture; overload;

This item has no description.

function BGLTexture(AWidth, AHeight: integer; Color: TBGRAPixel): IBGLTexture; overload;

This item has no description.

procedure BGLViewPort(AWidth,AHeight: integer); overload;

This item has no description.

procedure BGLViewPort(AWidth,AHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel); overload;

This item has no description.



Interface for a font drawn on OpenGL canvas

IBGLRenderedFont = BGRAFontGL.IBGLRenderedFont;

Interface for font rendering with OpenGL

IBGLTexture = BGRAOpenGLType.IBGLTexture;

Interface for a texture in OpenGL (stored in VRAM)

TBGLCustomArray = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLCustomArray;

Abstract array for OpenGL

TBGLCustomCanvas = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLCustomCanvas;

Abstract canvas for OpenGL

TBGLCustomElementArray = BGRACanvasGL.TBGLCustomElementArray;

Abstract array of elements specifed by index for OpenGL


Path with OpenGL rendering

TBGLSprite = TBGLDefaultSprite;

Default implementation for sprites with OpenGL

TOpenGLBlendMode = BGRAOpenGLType.TOpenGLBlendMode;

This item has no description.

TOpenGLPrimitive = BGRAOpenGLType.TOpenGLPrimitive;

This item has no description.

TOpenGLResampleFilter = BGRAOpenGLType.TOpenGLResampleFilter;

This item has no description.

TTextLayout = BGRAGraphics.TTextLayout;

Text layout (vertical position)

TWaitForGPUOption = BGRAOpenGLType.TWaitForGPUOption;

This item has no description.


obmAdd = BGRAOpenGLType.obmAdd;

This item has no description.

obmMultiply = BGRAOpenGLType.obmMultiply;

This item has no description.

obmNormal = BGRAOpenGLType.obmNormal;

This item has no description.

opLineLoop = BGRAOpenGLType.opLineLoop;

This item has no description.

opLines = BGRAOpenGLType.opLines;

This item has no description.

opLineStrip = BGRAOpenGLType.opLineStrip;

This item has no description.

opPoints = BGRAOpenGLType.opPoints;

This item has no description.

opTriangleFan = BGRAOpenGLType.opTriangleFan;

This item has no description.

opTriangles = BGRAOpenGLType.opTriangles;

This item has no description.

opTriangleStrip = BGRAOpenGLType.opTriangleStrip;

This item has no description.

orfBox = BGRAOpenGLType.orfBox;

This item has no description.

orfLinear = BGRAOpenGLType.orfLinear;

This item has no description.

tlBottom = BGRAGraphics.tlBottom;

This item has no description.

tlCenter = BGRAGraphics.tlCenter;

This item has no description.

tlTop = BGRAGraphics.tlTop;

This item has no description.

wfgFinishAllCommands = BGRAOpenGLType.wfgFinishAllCommands;

This item has no description.

wfgQueueAllCommands = BGRAOpenGLType.wfgQueueAllCommands;

This item has no description.